You have come to the specialists.

With our knowledge in church insurance we are able to give you advice and quotations on the policies best suited for your church’s needs. The policies that we recommend give cover for buildings, contents, equipment, money, liabilities etc. But, in addition, will give you cover for legal expenses and public liability for all the activities, including youth activities anywhere in the UK.

As Christian brokers we know what a church needs to insure and understand those needs and with that information we can obtain the best cover for the church within one policy.

To find out more, complete the form and submit it to us and we will then contact you and if necessary come to visit you.

Risk Management

We have a number of church risk management documents available from Ansvar in PDF Format. Download the complete pack or individual sections as required.

To downland Adobe Acrobat Reader click here

Complete Pack (All sections)Download
1. Responsibilities to EmployeesDownload
2. Health & SafetyDownload
3. Trustees and Directors & Officers LiabilityDownload
4. Risk Control and AssessmentDownload
5. How to Manage a ClaimDownload
6. Special EventsDownload
7. MinibusesDownload
8. Child Care PolicyDownload
9. Reducing RiskDownload

AT Bell Insurance Brokers Ltd.
40 Croydon Road, West Wickham,
Kent BR4 9HT

Tel: 020 8462 0769
Fax: 020 8462 0773
E-mail: [email protected]